14 - 15 Nov 2013
Hotel Casa 400 Amsterdam


Updated 25 Sept 2013

This year’s SEPG Europe programme features user case stories, expert presentations on using CMMI effectively in Agile environments, and advanced topics for both beginning and expert users. Among the presentations are lean techniques for CMMI appraisal, adding security to CMMI implementations in a flexible manner, and business results from combined uses of CMMI for Development and Services.

Multiple tracks of CMMI content over the two days focus on what matters most to CMMI implementers—results. The CMMI program content has been invited and curated to focus on lessons from end users that can apply to brand new users of CMMI as well as veterans who want to improve their CMMI efforts.

The conference promises to offer many benefits to attendees and sponsors as this conference is aimed at organizations with real business challenges and so the event will deliver fantastic value and new perspectives to participants.


Press Release

Published 11 Jun 2013

The SEPG Europe Conference 2013 is taking place at the Hotel Casa 400, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14-15 November and will be co-organised by the CMMI Institute in partnership with the long established IT conference company, UNICOM.

This year’s conference is aimed at organisations with real business challenges. It is taking an innovative approach to feature case studies, interactive sessions and invited presentations covering software process engineering as it is in practice today. The conference also brings new ideas, techniques and strategies that can be applied by the participants in their own organisations.

Jay Douglass, Director of Sales at CMMI Institute comments: “The SEPG conference series has a rich heritage and the CMMI Institute is looking forward to taking on the mantle with UNICOM to enhance and revitalise SEPG Europe into the premier software and systems process improvement event - an event that delivers fantastic value and new thinking to participants.”

“We are proud to be co-organising this long-established event and I am excited to have the opportunity to work with CMMI Institute to innovate and build SEPG Europe into Europe’s de-facto event addressing software and systems improvement.” says Alec McCutcheon, Director of UNICOM.




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